In Clojure, I frequently use org.joda.time
clj-time as a much nicer
alternative to the java.util.*
classes. But since
transit doesn’t have a
built-in encoder to write JodaTime types as dates, I had to write my
own. It took a bit of digging through
transit-clj to figure out
how, but it’s pretty simple.
When you write to transit in Clojure, you provide a writer via the
function; this function takes a map of options
including handlers for non-default types:
So all we need now is to actually define that joda-time-writer
. The
manual way is to reify
a com.cognitect.transit.WriteHandler
, but
transit-clj provides an easy helper function that just takes the
functions for providing the tag, representation, and string
representation. In this case, I just yanked what Transit does to
s, coerced the Joda types to those first, and carried
on. Here’s the code:
Update 3 Sep 2015
Daniel Compton sends along an improvement to this snippet that doesn’t require the Java Date conversion:
See more on Github.