Update 29 September 2020
Krell support is now build into Cider. When launching a ClojureScript REPL
from your project (C-c C-x j s
), select the krell
option. To avoid
needing to make a choice on startup, add the following to .dir-locals.el
in the root of your project directory:
((nil . ((cider-default-cljs-repl . krell))))
Original Post
Krell is a new, minimalist system for interfacing ClojureScript and React Native. Taking advantage of the new ClojureScript support for Webpack makes interfacing with existing RN/NPM packages easier and building for the finicking Metro bundler less of a pain.
Recently, support was added to programmatically build projects in Krell. This makes it possible to easily connect nREPL and Piggieback to interact with your React Native project from an Emacs REPL. Here is how you do that.
First, follow the instructions for setting up a Krell project on its
wiki. In your
, make sure you are using the most recent commit SHA for Krell. Ensure
your project builds and runs on its own.
Next, add the following to a file called .dir-locals.el
at the root of
your project:
((nil . ((cider-default-cljs-repl . custom)
(cider-custom-cljs-repl-init-form . "(require '[clojure.java.io :as io]
'[clojure.edn :as edn]
'[krell.api :as krell]
(def config (edn/read-string (slurp (io/file \"build.edn\"))))
(krell/build config)
(apply cider.piggieback/cljs-repl (krell.repl/repl-env) (mapcat identity config))"))))
Now, run M-x cider-jack-in-cljs
in your project. Once everything finishes l
oading, you can run react-native start
to get the bundler running, and start
your app via react-native run-ios
or -android
or however you boot it. The
REPL prompt will change to cljs.user
and you’ll be connected to React Native
from Emacs.
Thanks to David Nolen for adding the necessary build support to Krell and to
dotemacs for getting most of the Emacs work
done. If you have questions, hop into #cljsrn
Clojurians Slack.