One of the common synonyms for “serverless” is “Function as a Service”:
there is a place in the cloud that we upload a function to, and it runs
when some event is triggered. Web services are easily modeled as
functions in Clojure/Script, so that’s how we’re going to set ours up.
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Listening to game three of the National League Divisional Series
between the Washington Nationals and Los Angeles Dodgers today on
the way to the airport, I heard a startingly weighty statistic: The
team that wins game three of a five-game series wins 77% of series!
That’s one pivotal game!
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I’ve been experimenting with clojure.spec on a new web project, as a way of validating data coming in from the client. We’re using JSON API as the lingua franca between the server and client, which adds a not-insignificant amount of ceremony and overhead to the JSON payload. So once I got one namespace’s endpoints spec’ed correctly, the obvious next step was to generalize it with a function that looked like this (edited for brevity):
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