Nearly every project I work on has Markdown documentation with Github’s exstensions for things like code highlighting. Unfortunately,I’m not super-great at remembering how the syntax goes, which results in commit messages like “l2md” when I push and realize the mistake I’ve made.
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One benefit of using Julia for playing with
statistics is that it’s a modern, usable language for general purposes
as well. Earlier I built a k-Nearest Neighbor classifier for
predicting crime from the data on, so I thought it would be fun to
build a web service in Julia that could return those results.
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In Clojure, I frequently use org.joda.time
clj-time as a much nicer
alternative to the java.util.*
classes. But since
transit doesn’t have a
built-in encoder to write JodaTime types as dates, I had to write my
own. It took a bit of digging through
transit-clj to figure out
how, but it’s pretty simple.
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One thing I’ve wanted to visualize from the dataset is what times of day
have the most and least crime, in which parts of the city. Using the
Gadfly plotting package with
Julia makes that easy.
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